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23 pieces of exposure in total


Fake platform, scam company

It was deceived by Shanghai Yinzhimeng Software Co., Ltd. This is a fake platform. Yinzhimeng is also a liar bag company, which specializes in cheating software fees.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-15
Unable to Withdraw

Scammer changes new profile picture. Please be careful

Li, a self-proclaimed Hong Kong man, under the pretense of good intentions to teach investment, I have been unable to withdraw 470,000 Taiwan dollars so far. He faked the well-known foreign exchange platform Pakatan Harapan to induce the victim to believe and deposit. ! I hope that this platform can bring the fraudulent group to justice as soon as possible to get the money back

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-01
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-01-01
Unable to Withdraw

Please be careful with this LINE header! It's a scam!

In mid-June this year, a Hong Kong native, sent a message to me through ig. At first, I was too simple and didn't think much about it. Later, he said that he wanted to add me on LIine. After that, he said that he can teach me about forex investment and the forex website is also a faked well-known forex platform CXM Trading. Since there was a successful withdrawal at the beginning, so I didn't doubt him. Later, I will told about reward activities that induced me to deposit more. The deposit of about 470,000 Taiwan dollars cannot be withdrawn. I had already report to police to address it. Please be careful of this person's header, IG and Facebook to avoid harm. I also hope that I can use this platform to get back the money that was scammed.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-12-05
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-12-05
Unable to Withdraw

Return money back quickly[d83d][de21][d83d][de21][d83d][de21]

Counterfeit the well-known foreign exchange platform CMX Trading and then used the reward activity to induce the victims to deposit money. So far, the deposit of 470,000 Taiwan dollars has not been able to withdraw. The case has been reported to police. I hope that no more victims will be deceived by this platform and wish these scammers can be arrested as soon as possible!! If you have add this line account, please don't be fooled by them.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-11-21
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-11-21
Unable to Withdraw

Li Haobo from Hong Kong set the fraud platform which did not approve withdrawal

He cheated users in the name of investment. Li Haobo from Hong Kong set the fraud platform (Ximeng) which led user to deposit with scams and did not approve withdrawal. He did not face it. I deposited almost NT $470000 and could not withdraw. I called the police and hoped to get the scammer caught soon for getting back my money. Beware and do not be cheated again. They should be punished for their scams.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-10-21
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-10-21
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

He sent private message to me on Instagram, and said he didn't use it very often and ask me to add him on Line. He induced me to make money by investing in Forex, and cheat me that it was a well-known Forex platform.I am only able to withdraw my money once, after that he induced me to deposit money by some special offer. and after I deposit more money, he disappeared. I've called the police. Please be careful not to be cheated by him again. I deposit TWD470,000 and cannot withdraw so far.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-12
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-12
Unable to Withdraw

Expose the scammer Li Haobo from Hong Kong

There were many scams. Beware of Li Haobo. He might contact you with FB or Instagram and cheated you to deposit. I lost 470,000 Taiwan dollars due to his scam. Please get him punished.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-03
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-09-03
Unable to Withdraw

Li Hobo was a scammer

Fraud platform. He cheated me of $21,000. Please punish her sooner. Do not be cheated anymore.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-16
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-16
Unable to Withdraw

Li Haobo, a Hong Kong scammer

He led me to deposit and cheated me of $21,000. I hope he could be punished sooner.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-11
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-11
Unable to Withdraw

The scammer called Li Haobo

He cheated me of $21,000. Beware.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-09
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-09
Unable to Withdraw

Li Haobo was a Hong Kong scammer

He cheated people by fake CXM TRADING and bonus to lead them to depositing. I deposited $21,000 and was unable to withdraw. Please be careful of him and do not be scammed.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-04
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-04
Unable to Withdraw

Li Haobao, please turn back my money

Fraud platform. He led me to deposit and I could not withdraw $21,000. Please beware of it.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-02
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-08-02

When will Li Haobo return money?

He managed fake platform and induced deposits. I could not get back my investment of $21,000. Please punish him as soon as possible.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-31
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-31
Unable to Withdraw

The Hong Kong scammer Li Haobo

I was unable to withdraw $21,000 till now. I hope he could be punished by law as soon as possible.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-29
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-29
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw.

Li Haobo from Hong Kong cheated me of 21,000. Please help catch him through legal punishment as soon as possible!

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-27
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-27
Unable to Withdraw

Li Haobo was a scammer

He acted as innocent. Actually he cheated me of scam and I was unable to withdraw $21,000. please help.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-25
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-25
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw.

Please be careful with Li Haobo, a Hong Kong citizen. He tricked people into deposits. But investors were unable to withdraw. I couldn’t withdraw my deposit of $21,000. I hope the money could be returned to me as soon as possible.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-24
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-24
Unable to Withdraw

Exposure of Li Haobo

He led me to depositing. I was unable to withdraw $21,000.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-23
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-23
Unable to Withdraw

A Hongkong scammer called Li Haobo

Unable to withdraw no matter how much you deposit. Return $21,000 to me!

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-21
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-21
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Please pay attention to Li Haobo from Hong Kong. This person deceived and induced the deposit, only withdrawing money once and unable to withdraw money again. A total investment of 21,000 USD has not been withdrawn so far.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-19
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-07-19
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