WikiFX, as an independent third-party information service platform, is dedicated to providing users with comprehensive and objective broker regulatory information services. WikiFX does not directly engage in any forex trading activities, nor does it offer any form of trading channel recommendations or investment advice. The ratings and evaluations of brokers by WikiFX are based on publicly available objective information and take into account the regulatory policy differences of various countries and regions. Broker ratings and evaluations are the core products of WikiFX, and we firmly oppose any commercial practices that may compromise their objectivity and fairness. We welcome supervision and suggestions from users worldwide. To report any concerns, please contact us:
Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

The Autorité des Marchés Financiers

Year 2003Regulated by Government

The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) regulates the French financial market place, its participants and the investment products distributed via the markets. It also ensures that investors are properly informed and and is a driving force behind regulatory change at both European and international levels. AMF is required to regulate, authorise, monitor and where necessary, inspect, investigate and enforce them. Make sure to contribute to financial and international regulation. It also ensures that investors are properly informed, and provide them with assistance Via our financial ombudsman when it is necessary, . As an independent public authority, AMF has regulatory powers and a substantial level of financial and managerial independence.

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Danger Unauthorized
Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2019-06-14
  • Reason for punishment Unauthorized companies and websites
Disclosure details

Blacklists of unauthorized companies and websites: Forex

This is a list of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) blacklisted companies or websites, warnings and/or usurpations of regulated companies.
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